Machiavellian Citadel

Machiavellian Citadel


Welcome to the Machiavellian Citadel, the main archive page of this blog and the best resource to help you ascend the throne of the Modern Prince.

What follows is a short mission statement and links to every post of value. I am helping people play and master the game of power and ascend the throne of the Modern Prince. I am going to provide you with the core framework needed for coming out on top in our dog eat dog world.


Feedback, want to discuss business, contribute or have suggestions for topics you want to see covered? Contact me on the Contact page.

If you are interested in why I am qualified to write about the things I do, and want to peek behind the mask, read the About page.

I have written extensive summaries about The 48 Laws of Power, which can help you get a good grasp of the power dynamics and save you from dire mistakes.

Summaries of The Craft of Power are available here. A modern book drawing from ancient wisdom.

Propaganda Speeches

Don’t forget to check out the Resources and Books that are similar to the 48 Laws of Power, to find valuable sources of knowledge and further reading.