Posts Tagged ‘Modern Machiavellians’
Machiavellianism Q&A Summary + Download
To my magnificent readers! As requested, a condensed version of the Triple Question & Answer Session by IllimitableMan, Illacertus and Modern Machiavelli including a pdf to download. You can download the pdf below: Modern Machiavelli – Triple QA of Power Feel free to share the pdf, the whole article or parts of…
Read MoreThe 48 Laws of Power Summary
The 48 Laws of Power Summary by Robert Greene Currently you are on the 48 Laws of Power Summary page. You can either start here, read my about page, return to the homepage or take a peek into my ever expanding archive. The 48 Laws of Power Summary is a post…
Read MoreMost Famous Persuasive Speeches
To my magnificent readers. I welcome you. Here you will find a list of excellent famous persuasive speeches used to sway the audience’s opinion and manipulate their emotions. Included are famous propaganda speeches involving the best persuasive speech techniques made by master strategists. Some of them you will know, some you won’t. There are a lot…
Read MoreLaw #6 – Court Attention at all Costs
Court Attention at all Costs Meaning: Everything is judged by its appearance; what is unseen counts for nothing. Never let yourself get lost in the crowd, then, or buried in oblivion. Stand out. Be conspicuous, at all cost. Make yourself a magnet of attention by appearing larger, more colorful, more mysterious than the bland and…
Read MoreWhat would Machiavelli read? – Ultimate Reading List of Power
This post contains a comprehensive List of Books like The Prince, Craft of Power, 48 Laws of Power, etc, that Niccolò Machiavelli would read, if he was live today. More than once was I asked for good book recommendations; so often actually that even if I was the Vitruvian Man, I couldn’t count them…
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